
About MAATRAM SEI Foundation

Friday, September 17, 2010 0 comments
Well Come To Maatram Sei...

Each and Every individual persons should have a common interest among people rather than being self-interested to help others.We request that helping tendency from the people as well as students.The Maatram Sei Foundation is been founded to help the poor children those who are really having difficulties in their financial status for their studies. So we decided to make that people has to be also a good scholar,because educated peoples are the Backbones for India. There is another thing that we oppose the child labour systems.So we oppose poverty among the students who studies well and help them to continue their studies with pleasure. Now the Maatram Sei Foundation is being functioned at pondicherry.We hate scamers who use our name and also legal action will be taken for immitating Maatram Sei Foundation.The peoples who are interested in helping poor peoples can come forward and join us.

Thank you.


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